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Military Folks, Proactively Craft The Career You Truly Want with Sharon Olbeter

Is your current job not everything you want it to be?


You don't have to wait for a more perfect job.  Get your FREE Job Crafting Workbook -   Learn what you can do right now to adapt your current work to suit your preferences. 

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Take your job and love it!

For me, career fulfillment is essential!

Hi, I’m Sharon Olbeter, a retired Air Force colonel and certified career coach.  I help military members, veterans and spouses who long for something different in their careers attain the work situation they want.

 To attain career fulfillment, they may take steps to:

  • Align their preferred skills, interests and/or values more in their current job
  • Switch to a new role within their current organization or industry
  • Prepare for a different career beyond their current organization

If that's what you want, I'll apply my five stage motivation-based framework, the Doable SystemTM, to guide you through the actions you need to take while overcoming the "action-sticking" points listed below.

More About Me Here

Overcome Potential Action-Sticking Points 

What Do I Want? -> Gain Clarity

Identify what you're looking for so you can identify and evaluate relevant opportunities to enthusiastically move forward

How Can I Get It? -> Gain Conviction

Determine what you need to succeed to develop a workable strategy so you believe you can get the results you want to confidently proceed

What Should I Do? -> Gain Confidence

Develop an action plan to detail the what, how and when you will take action so you can effectively progress

Start with the Set Your Career Compass Bootcamp

You Must Know What You Want

Get very clear on what you want in your career so you can identify relevant opportunities. The Bootcamp is a prerequisite to other career work.


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Some of my Career-Related Certifications


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